About Scott Jucha (ū•hă)

Scott Jucha headshot

The Journey of a Life Time ...

From my early years to the present, books have been a refuge. They’ve fueled my imagination. I’ve traveled to faraway places and met aliens with Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Herbert, and Le Guin. I’ve explored historical events with Michener and Clavell, and I played spy with Ludlum and Fleming.

There’s no doubt that the early sci-fi masters influenced the writing of my first two series, The Silver Ships and Pyreans. I crafted my stories to give readers intimate views of my characters, who wrestle with the challenges of living in space and inhabiting alien worlds.

Life is rarely easy for my characters, who encounter aliens and calamities, but they persist and flourish. I revel in examining humankind’s will to survive. Not everyone plays fair or exhibits concern for their fellow beings, but that’s another aspect of humans and aliens that I investigate.

My stories offer hope for humans today about what they might accomplish tomorrow far from our home world. Throughout my books, humans exhibit a will to persevere, without detriment to the vast majority of others.

Readers have been generous with their comments, which they’ve left on Amazon and Goodreads for others to review. I truly enjoy what I do, and I’m pleased to read how my stories have positively

impacted many readers’ lives. If you’ve read my books, please consider posting a review on Amazon and Goodreads for every book, even a short one. Reviews attract other readers and are a great help to indie s, such as me.

The Silver Ships’ first five novels hit Amazon’s coveted #1 Best Selling Sci-Fi book, three times, and #2, twice, in multiple science fiction categories of first contact, space flight, and alien invasion.


The Silver Ships Softbook

The Silver Ships Series

This was my most recent attempt at a novel, which happened to be a science fiction story. The Silver Ships began development in 2012. It took me a year to discover the best way for me to develop the trilogy I conceived. I tried hand-written notes, index cards pinned to the wall, and Dragon Speaking software to dictate the outline and compose the novel.

In November 2013, I created a series of cross-indexed documents in Word 2010—a plot outline, the characters and backgrounds, and the objects, which listed the stars, planets, colonies, technical items and common goods. After that, the process flowed, and I added Excel documents for the velocity and distance calculations.

I had to put down my trusty, 2007 Kindle (I was an early adopter), which was used to read nearly 600 novels, because I couldn't focus on anything other than my own writing.

If you wish to know more about my writing efforts, feel free to follow me on my blog. I welcome your comments and questions. Thank you!